Real Estate Articles and Information

Hello ~

Well hello you beautiful person!

I’ve been toying with writing a blog or an account of my life, my little family’s life, for a few years now. I’ve just never sat down and done it, never sat down and just wrote for all the world to see, forever and ever more.

Since we moved to Alaska on May 29, 2014, I thought between blogging, emailing weekly, sharing pictures, phone calls and FaceTime with our family and friends we would be in touch and feel like we weren’t missing out on each others lives. Turns out, not as easy as it sounds. At minimum, a two-hour time difference throws a bigger wrench in the plan than originally thought. Two hours, especially when you consider different bed times for all the cousins or different dinner times (which those of us with kids know, are the witching hours) sets us up for lost daily contact, lost weekly contact and it just gets fewer and farther between from there.

After a few busy years, adventures that are too incredible not to share, kid shenanigans that MUST be shared and a few personal battles won/lost that need to put out to the world; I finally decided to take the plunge.

I promise that I will be honest, true to myself and my family, and to you. Those of you who know me well, know that I don’t keep much to myself and there may be a tendency towards oversharing…but believe me, I am only sharing in order to make whatever my experiences have been, help you understand that yours are what they are, but that you are NOT ALONE in this thing called life. Some days are definitely better than others, but in the end, you have a life that you are lucky to have. I hope that sharing the things I share – no telling what they might turn out to be – I can help you feel a little better and that you are normal with a few edgy pieces.

Thanks for reading…I hope you will read more 😊

~ Chelan, WA 2018 ~
2nd Annual Trip with my mom

Cheers to new friends,


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